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FIFO Families Reference Group

Share your experience and perspective to help guide our research which aims to understand how families can be supported to thrive in a FIFO working arrangement.

Help make our research be useful and used

Share your experience and perspective to help guide our research which aims to understand how families can be supported to thrive in a FIFO working arrangement.

Who can join? 

  • Current (or previous) FIFO workers with a child aged 0-19. 
  • Partners of current (or previous) FIFO workers with a child aged 0-19.
  • Adolescents (12-19) living with a current FIFO worker parent. 

Why Join?

  • You would provide a much-needed family ‘voice’ to ensure our research is informed by the needs and priorities of the target group.
  • Your active involvement will help to maximise the opportunity for better ‘take up’ of support developed.
  • You will be reimbursed $50 dollars for your time each meeting. 

What will you be asked to do? 

  • Meet online up to four times a year, for up to one hour per meeting.
  • Identify priority issues for FIFO families.
  • Provide feedback on other aspects of the project. 

To register your interest in being involved please click the following link and submit a registration form.