This PhD Scholarship will support an exceptional new PhD student to undertake research at The Kids Research Institute Australia and Curtin University within the project “Development of a screening tool to identify safer biodiesels”. This research is poised to make a demonstrable positive impact on public policy, specifically in terms of health, quality of life and the environment.
This research will identify the characteristics of safe(r) biodiesels, with the key outcome being an evidence-based screening tool to guide Australian biodiesel standards and exhaust treatment technologies in a direction that will minimise the negative health, environmental and economic impacts of society's progressive move towards biodiesel.
We are looking for the right student to join our team.
In undertaking this project, the PhD candidate can be trained in a range of techniques spanning bio-sciences, chemistry and engineering. These could include cell culture and in vitro exposure assessment, biodiesel manufacture via transesterification, diesel engine technology and operation, physico-chemical characterisation of diesel emissions, in vivo exposure assessment and animal handling (using mice), network analyses / transcriptomics and statistics.
This scholarship will assist a student to complete their thesis relating to this project.
Students will be enrolled through Curtin University in a separate application process.
How to Apply:
Applicants should forward the following to
1. Cover letter containing the following:
- Your reason for applying for this role
- A short statement (max 2 pages) addressing the following criteria:
- Written and oral communication skills
- Motivation
- Able to work as part of a multidisciplinary team
- Time management skills
2. A copy of your curriculum vitae (max 2 pages) which should include the following:
- Your contact details
- Contact details of 1 independent referee (eg Honours supervisor).
- A copy of your highest academic record final transcript (or equivalent).
Closing date: 7th June, 2017