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Altitudes East West Study

Altitudes is a positive and supportive program for family members of young people who are receiving treatment at headspace early psychosis service.

We are looking for family members of young people who are receiving treatment at an early psychosis service to trial an online program called Altitudes. The program has been designed to give support and reduce stress in family members.

Altitudes is a positive and supportive program that offers families:

  1. Information about early psychosis, stress reduction, self-care
  2. Access to other families with similar experiences
  3. Support of psychologists

The online program is available any time of day and from any device that can access the internet.

We need to compare Altitudes to the usual care available to family members. To do this we allocated 50% of participants to their usual treatment and 50% will receive access to Altitudes plus their usual treatment.

People from both groups will be followed up for the duration of the study.

For more information please talk to your young person’s case manager or contact:

Anna Hunt
Research Assistant
6319 1290
0457 528 077

 Approval to conduct this research has been provided by the University of Western Australia and by the South Metropolitan Health Service Research Ethics & Governance Unit in accordance with their ethics review and approval procedures. Any person considering participation in this research project, or agreeing to participate, may raise any questions or issues with the researchers at any time. In addition, any person not satisfied with the response of researchers may raise ethics issues or concerns, and may make any complaints about this research project by contacting the Human Ethics Office at the University of Western Australia on (08) 6488 3703 or by emailing to or South Metropolitan Health Service Research Ethics & Governance Unit on (08) 6152 2253 or email or