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Sue-Anne Davidson

Program Manager

Sue-Anne Davidson

Program Manager

Sue-Anne Davison is the Program Manager for Kids Rehab WA and the Medicine Division at Perth Children’s Hospital, with qualifications in Physiotherapy and a Masters in Health Service Administration. Sue-Anne is an Adjunct Research Associate at Curtin University and a current PhD student developing a teaching and training network for early detection of cerebral palsy and neurodisability in WA to improve accessible and equitable evidence-based services for children at risk of cerebral palsy and their families. Sue-Anne is the Co-Chair of the Child and Adolescent Health Service Disability Access and Inclusion Committee with consumers with lived experience of disability and is a former member of the Clinical Reference Group for the Sustainable Health Review.

Sue-Anne is committed to improving equitable access to health services and developing teams which translate research to evidence-based care for children with complex health needs and their families.  Her areas of research interest include early detection of cerebral palsy, and the design, implementation and evaluation of programs delivering evidence-based care. Sue-Anne is the data custodian and led the development and implementation of Paediatric Rehabilitation Information System (PRIS), a purpose-built clinical data system for Kids Rehab WA which facilitates clinical care, quality improvement and research.

She is a Co-Investigator on the Early Moves study, and Chief Investigator of the Accelerate Grant, funded by the Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation to pilot early detection services for children at risk of cerebral palsy in the Kimberley. 


Accelerate-WA Network: Developing a sustainable family-clinician-researcher network for education and training in the early detection of cerebral palsy for all infants in Western Australia

Accelerate will develop and pilot, a multi-directorate teaching and training network for early detection of cerebral palsy (CP), encompassing key clinical partners across CAHS and WACHS.

ENVISAGE – ENabling VISions And Growing Expectations

ENVISAGE is a validated evidence-based program of facilitated group workshops for parents and carers of young children, aged 0-8 years, with a newly identified disability or who have concerns regarding their child’s development.

Early Moves Project

The Early Moves study is investigating whether a baby’s early movements can predict learning difficulties later in childhood.