We were delighted to welcome the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann and Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop to the Institute on August 1. They were joined by members of the Channel 7 Telethon Trustees.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets Institute Director Jonathan Carapetis
Institute Director Professor Jonathan Carapetis said it was a wonderful opportunity for The Kids to showcase the excellent work we are doing to improve the health and wellbeing of children and families.
"We welcome every opportunity for people to visit us for a tour so it was exciting when we found out that Prime Minister Turnbull wanted to come here," said Professor Carapetis.
"It's allows us to talk about our research and also for the Prime Minister to meet some of our young, talented researchers as well as the wonderful families who contribute to our projects."
The Prime Minister met Autism researchers Professor Andrew Whitehouse and Dr Kandice Varcin who demonstrated the innovative 3D face scanner that is used in our research and could improve early diagnosis of autism.
"Western Australians should be proud of their Telethon. It's literally saving lives and embodies the State's generous spirit."
- Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull
The Russo family, including six year old twins Miles and Isla who both have autism spectrum disorder, also met the Prime Minister and spoke about how being part of research has changed their lives.
"It (the research) has made such an enormous difference to our lives, and our children's lives" said mother Jenelle Russo speaking of the autism research initiatives at The Kids Research Institute Australia.
Mr Turnbull speaking with autism researcher Andrew Whitehouse
Cancer researchers Dr Jason Waithman and Dr Bree Foley talked about their latest work in immunotherapies for treating cancer.
The Prime Minister also met seven year old Sinead Engelbrecht, who miraculously survived a brain tumour which was diagnosed at just 10 months of age.
Sinead's mum Hayley praised The Kids Research Institute Australia for its work, saying the high-profile visit from the Prime Minister would help raise awareness.
"It is so imperative that this sort of thing gets out, it is all about funding research," Mrs Engelbrecht said.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull takes a selfie with Sinead Engelbrecht and her family.
View more: The West: Turnbull Praises 'world class' Telethon research facility