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Investigating changes in retinopathy, aortic intima media thickness & heart rate variability, indicators of macrovascular disease & autonomic neuropathy

Tim Jones, Liz Davis
Study Staff: Julie Dart; Alison Roberts; Adam Retterath

This multi-centre study is investigating the changes in retinopathy, aortic intima media thickness (aIMT) and heart rate variability which are indicators of macrovascular disease and autonomic neuropathy respectively; which are complications of type 1 diabetes. 

The study’s aims are: (1)To determine whether adolescents with T1DM found to be at high risk of microalbuminuria have evidence of accelerated atherosclerosis, retinopathy and autonomic neuropathy as compared to adolescents at lower risk of microalbuminuria. (2) To determine whether ACE inhibition and or statin therapy during puberty will slow the progression of microvascular and macrovascular disease in T1DM

The study population is adolescents aged 11.0y to 16.9y, and with type 1 diabetes mellitus; screened as being at low risk or high risk for developing diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular disease. Throughout Australia 370 adolescents deemed at high and 200 adolescents deemed at low in the Microalbuminuria Screening Study were recruited into the study. The study duration is 6 years, and includes a two year recruitment period and a 4year follow-up period. The study endpoints are changes in retinal images, aIMT and heart rate variability measures, after 4 years duration from baseline.

Funder: NHMRC Grant #632521