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Investigating mortality rates and the incidence and risk factors of diabetes complications and co-morbidities during early adult life in a population based childhood onset diabetes cohort

Using the WA Data Linkage System to provide information of the incidence and relative risk of T1D co-morbidities and mortality during early adulthood.

Liz Davis, Matt Cooper, Aveni Haynes, Tim Jones

The education and treatment regimes for children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) are constantly evolving, and the introduction of and improvements to new technologies adds to the complexity of the management of T1D. Studies have been done in the past to provide insight into the complications and co-morbidities in adulthood for this with childhood onset type 1 diabetes, but little is known about how the changes to diabetes management affect the incidence of these complications and co-morbidities, as this is something that can only be revealed with time.  This project will use the Western Australian Data Linkage System (WADLS) to provide novel information of the incidence and relative risk of T1D co-morbidities and mortality during early adulthood in a modern clinical setting. The primary source of the study population is the Western Australian Children’s Diabetes Database. The WADLS contains data uploaded from the Hospital Morbidity Data Collection; the Emergency Department Data Collection; the Mental Health Information System; the Birth, Death and Marriages Registry and the Western Australia Electoral Commission records. The WADLS will enable the selection of matched controls from the birth registry. All subjects in WA diagnosed with T1D prior to age 16 who were 18 years or older at 30th June 2010 (n=1,376) are considered eligible for entry into this analysis.

The aims of this study are:

  • To identify the incidence of diabetes complications and co-morbidities seen in  early adulthood (<40 years) in a childhood onset T1D population-based  cohort.
  • To calculate the risk (relative to age and sex matched controls) for incidence  of diabetes complications and co-morbidities in early adulthood (<40  years) associated with childhood onset T1D in a population-based  cohort.
  • To compare the all-cause mortality rate, and cause of death in early adulthood  (<40 years) in a childhood onset T1D population-based cohort to general  population age and sex matched controls.
  • To  examine the impact of risk factors observed during childhood on the  incidence of diabetes complications, co-morbidities and cause of death in  early adulthood (<40 years) in a childhood onset T1D population-based  cohort.

Funder: Diabetes Research Fund