The Stride ProgramYoung adults, aged 18-24 years, are currently experiencing the highest rates of mental health challenges relative to the general population.
Exercise and Gender Services for Young PeopleTrans and gender diverse young people are at very high risk for poor mental health, self-harming, and suicide attempts.
Developing a ‘Food Atlas’ for Western Australia to map, measure and monitor food accessThis unique interdisciplinary project, funded by Healthway, aims to develop a Food Atlas tool for mapping, measuring, and monitoring food access across Western Australia.
Kids Menu StudyGina Trapp BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD Honorary Research Associate ARC DECRA Fellow & Head of Food and Nutrition Research Dr Gina Trapp is an Honorary Research Associate at The Kids Research Institute Australia. She has a
Modelling the COVID pandemic with the Geographical COVID-19 Model (GEO-COV)Researchers have developed a new model for simulating covid-19 outbreaks in Western Australia.