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The Facilitation of Acceptance in Trans and Gender Diverse Young People

Helen Yael Morgan Perry BA (Hons), Doctor of Psychology BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD Senior Project Coordinator Program Head, Mental Health & Youth; Head, Youth Mental Health 08 6319 1298


Piloting a self-compassion program to promote physical and psychological wellbeing in youth with T1D

Amy Keely Liz Asha Finlay-Jones Bebbington Davis Parkinson BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (Clin Psych) MClinPsych/PhD MBBS FRACP PhD BPsych (Hons) Head, Early Neurodevelopment & Mental Health; Healthway WA Senior Research Fellow


Characterising moment-to-moment fluctuation in stress, anxiety and blood glucose levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Keely Tim Liz Bebbington Jones Davis MClinPsych/PhD MBBS DCH FRACP MD MBBS FRACP PhD McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes Co-head, Diabetes and Obesity Research Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and


Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to the transition of emerging adults with type 1 diabetes from paediatric to adult care in Western Australia

Keely Leanne Amy Bebbington Fried Finlay-Jones MClinPsych/PhD BSc DipEd MSpEd EdD BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (Clin Psych) McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes Senior Research Fellow Head, Early


Exploring the associations between coping, resilience, well-being and glycaemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and their parents

Keely Leanne Bebbington Fried MClinPsych/PhD BSc DipEd MSpEd EdD McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes Senior Research Fellow 08 6319 1766 08 6319 1480 McCusker