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National Antimicrobial Surveillance Academy for Indigenous Health Care Providers

Asha Bowen BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM Head, Healthy Skin and ARF Prevention Head, Healthy Skin and ARF Prevention Areas of expertise: Skin infections, clinical trials, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Aboriginal children,


Aboriginal Urban Healthy Skin study

Asha Brad Glenn Jonathan Marianne Tim Bowen Farrant Pearson Carapetis AM Mullane Barnett BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM BSc (Hons), PhD BA (Education) PhD Candidate AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS BSc (OT) PhD Head, Healthy Skin and ARF


CASSETTE: Clindamycin Adjunctive therapy for Severe Staphylococcus aurEus Treatment Evaluation, a multi-centre, pilot randomised controlled trial

Asha Tom Bowen Snelling BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Head, Healthy Skin and ARF Prevention Head, Infectious Disease Implementation Research 08 6319 1817 Head, Healthy Skin and ARF


Using Systems Biology to understand asthma exacerbations and develop better treatments

Alexander Anthony Deborah Emma Pat Larcombe Kicic Strickland de Jong Holt BScEnv (Hons) PhD BSc (Hons) PhD PhD PhD, DSc, FRCPath, FRCPI, FAA Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Rothwell Family Fellow; Head, Airway Epithelial Research Program Head


Understanding how viral infection in early life impacts on lung function in adulthood

Alexander David Deborah Larcombe Martino Strickland BScEnv (Hons) PhD BSc PhD PhD Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Head, Clinical Epigenetics Program Head, Immunobiology and Immunotherapeutic Program Deb.Strickland