CP Movetime: A wearable sensor and user interface to reduce sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsyCP Movetime aims to establish and test a technology-based application to improve health outcomes by monitoring device measured sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy.
The Early Start Screen Smart ProgramSupporting families to create healthy screen time habits
Estimating the Impact And Costs of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at Perth Children’s HospitalAMR is a rapidly growing challenge and has been identified as one of the World Health Organizations top 10 global health threats, with the potential to undo many of the health gains observed over the last century.
WA Food AtlasThe WA Food Atlas is an interactive tool to assess the food environment across local government areas and how it changes over time.
The STAMP RSV ProgramSTAMP-RSV is guided by a community reference group with lived experiences of RSV. The goal is to translate research findings into effective and efficient RSV control policies to reduce the health and economic burden of RSV.