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Effects of simulated tidal and deep breathing on immature airway contraction to acetylcholine and nerve stimulation

In adults, respiratory movements, such as tidal and deep breaths, reduce airway smooth muscle force and cause bronchodilation.

Ansell TK, Noble PB, Mitchell HW, West AR, Fernandes LB, McFawn PK

Authors notes:
Respirology. 2009 Sep;14(7):991-8. Epub 2009 Jul 30.

Effects, simulated tidal, deep breathing, immature airway contraction, acetylcholine, nerve stimulation, bronchodilation

In adults, respiratory movements, such as tidal and deep breaths, reduce airway smooth muscle force and cause bronchodilation. Evidence suggests that these beneficial effects of oscillatory strain do not occur in children, possibly because of reduced coupling of the airways to lung tissue or maturational differences in the intrinsic response of the airways to oscillatory strain.