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Reliability and Validity of a Short Version of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device

The findings of this study support the use of a GF6+ subscale from the FAD, as a quick and effective tool to assess the overall functioning of families

Boterhoven de Haan KL, Hafekost J, Lawrence D, Sawyer MG, Zubrick SR

Authors notes:
Family Process. 2014;Online:1-8.

Family Assessment Device, McMaster Model, Family Functioning, General Functioning, Bradburn Scale, Psychometrics

The General Functioning 12-item subscale (GF12) of The McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) has been validated as a single index measure to assess family functioning.

This study reports on the reliability and validity of using only the six positive items from the General Functioning subscale (GF6+).

Existing data from two Western Australian studies, the Raine Study (RS) and the Western Australian Child Health Survey (WACHS), was used to analyze the psychometric properties of the GF6+ subscale.

The results demonstrated that the GF6+ subscale had virtually equivalent psychometric properties and was able to identify almost all of the same families who had healthy or unhealthy levels of functioning as the full GF12 subscale.

In consideration of the constraints faced by large-scale population-based surveys, the findings of this study support the use of a GF6+ subscale from the FAD, as a quick and effective tool to assess the overall functioning of families.