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There is variability in the attainment of developmental milestones in the CDKL5 disorder

Individuals with the CDKL5 disorder have been described as having severely impaired development.

Fehr S, Leonard H, Ho G, Williams S, de Klerk NH, Forbes D,...Downs, J.

Authors notes:
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 2015;7(1):2.

CDKL5 disorder, Developmental disabilities, Epileptic encephalopathy, Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy, CDKL5

BACKGROUND: Individuals with the CDKL5 disorder have been described as having severely impaired development.

A few individuals have been reported having attained more milestones including walking and running.
Our aim was to investigate variation in attainment of developmental milestones and associations with underlying genotype.

RESULTS:The study included 109 females and 18 males.
By 5years of age, only 75% of the females had attained independent sitting and 25% independent walking whilst a quarter of the males could sit independently by 1year 3months.
Only one boy could walk independently.

No clear relationship between mutation group and milestone attainment was present, although females with a late truncating mutation attained the most milestones.

CONCLUSION: Attainment of developmental milestones is severely impaired in the CDKL5 disorder, with the majority who did attain skills attaining them at a late age.

It appears as though males are more severely impaired than the females. Larger studies are needed to further investigate the role of genotype on clinical variability.