Barden A, O'Callaghan N, Burke V, Mas E, Beilin LJ, Fenech M, ... Huang RC, et al.
Authors notes:
Nutrients. 2016;8(3).
neutrophils, telomere length, oxidative stress, n-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10
DNA telomere shortening associates with the age-related increase cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.
Reducing oxidative stress, could modify telomere erosion during cell replication, and CVD risk in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
The effect of n-3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) on telomere length was studied in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial in CKD.
Eighty-five CKD patients were randomized to: n-3 fatty acids (4 g); CoQ (200 mg); both supplements; or control (4 g olive oil), daily for 8 weeks.
Telomere length was measured in neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) at baseline and 8 weeks, with and without correction for cell counts.
Main and interactive effects of n-3 fatty acids and CoQ on telomere length were assessed adjusting for baseline values.
F2-isoprostanes were measured as markers of oxidative stress.
There was no effect of n-3 fatty acids or CoQ on neutrophil or PBMC telomere length.
However, telomere length corrected for neutrophil count was increased after n-3 fatty acids.
Post-intervention plasma F2-isoprostanes were negative predictors of post-intervention telomere length corrected for neutrophil count.
The effect of n-3 fatty acids to increased telomere length corrected for neutrophil count may relate to reduced oxidative stress and increased clearance of neutrophils with shorter telomeres from the circulation.
This may be a novel mechanism of modifying CVD risk in CKD patients.