With the inception of information and communication technology (ICT) came new ways of causing others harm with potentially greater consequences for targets. ICTs have rapidly become a pervasive part of everyday life, allowing individuals to engage in aggressive behavior on multiple distinct platforms with different capabilities. Contemporary online media allows users to transfer offensive texts, edited and unedited images, audio, and video files. However, it is not only the content of a message that makes cyber aggression unique. Specific features of ICTs facilitate anonymity, planning, permanence and rumination. Additionally, perpetrators may feel more comfortable engaging in cyber aggression because of the visual, emotional, and physical distance from their. Finally, online contexts allow individuals to select their target audience, both bystanders and victims, thereby maximizing the extent of the harm they cause while minimizing consequences.
Cyber Agression
Information and communication technology has allowed individuals to engage in aggressive behavior on multiple distinct platforms with different capabilities