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Behavior in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Remote Australia: A Population-Based Study

Children with FASD have more teacher-reported behavioral impairment than children without FASD. In remote Australian communities, academic performance is poor.

Tsang TW, Carmichael Olson H, Latimer J, Fitzpatrick J, Hand M, Oscar J, et al. Behavior in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Remote Australia: A Population-Based Study. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2017;38(7):528-37

OBJECTIVE: To document behavior in children residing in very remote Western Australian communities as rated by parent/caregivers and teachers. We hypothesized that children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) would have higher rates of problematic behavior than children without FASD.

METHODS: The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; n = 97), and Teacher Report Form (TRF; n = 106) were used in this population-based study. Raw scores, proportions scoring within “Normal/Borderline/Clinical” ranges, and frequencies of Critical items were determined. Mann–Whitney U and χ tests were used for between-group comparisons.

RESULTS: Children were aged from 7.5 to 9.6 years, and 19% had FASD. Academic performance was commonly rated in the “Borderline/Clinical” range (73%). Teacher-rated scores were poorer in the FASD group on 15 scales encompassing total and internalizing problems, adaptive function, academic performance, attention, withdrawn/depressed, social problems, posttraumatic stress, thought problems, and sluggish cognitive tempo (p < .05). More children in the FASD group had scores in the “Borderline/Clinical” range on 11 TRF scales (p < .05). “Physically attacks people” was the most prevalent Critical item endorsed by teachers for the total cohort (22%). “Talks about killing self” was endorsed by teachers more often in the FASD group (14%) than the Non-FASD group (1%; p = .03). There were no significant differences between groups in parent-reported CBCL scores after adjustment for multiple comparison testing.

CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that children with FASD have more teacher-reported behavioral impairment than children without FASD. In remote Australian communities, academic performance is poor.