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Reduction in hypoglycemia with the predictive low-Glucose management system: A long-term randomized controlled trial in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Short-term studies with automated systems that suspend insulin when hypoglycemia is predicted have shown a reduction, but safety and efficacy aren't established

Abraham MB, Nicholas JA, Smith GJ, Fairchild JM, King BR, Ambler GR, Cameron FJDavis EAJones TW. Reduction in hypoglycemia with the predictive low-Glucose management system: A long-term randomized controlled trial in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2018;41(2):303-10.


OBJECTIVE Short-term studies with automated systems that suspend basal insulin when hypoglycemia is predicted have shown a reduction in hypoglycemia; however, efficacy and safety have not been established in long-term trials. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We conducted a 6-month, multicenter, randomized controlled trial in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes using the Medtronic MiniMed 640G pump with Suspend before low (predictive low-glucose management [PLGM]) compared with sensor-augmented pump therapy (SAPT) alone. The primary outcome was percentage time in hypoglycemia with sensor glucose (SG) <3.5 mmol/L (63 mg/dL). RESULTS In an intent-to-treat analysis of 154 subjects, 74 subjects were randomized to SAPT and 80 subjects to PLGM. At baseline, the time with SG <3.5 mmol/L was 3.0% and 2.8% in the SAPT and PLGM groups, respectively. During the study, PLGM was associated with a reduction in hypoglycemia compared with SAPT (% time SG <3.5 mmol/L: SAPT vs. PLGM, 2.6 vs. 1.5, P < 0.0001). A similar effect was also noted in time with SG <3 mmol/L (P < 0.0001). This reduction was seen both during day and night (P < 0.0001). Hypoglycemic events (SG <3.5 mmol/L for >20 min) also declined with PLGM (SAPT vs. PLGM: events/patient-year 227 vs. 139, P < 0.001). There was no difference in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) at 6 months (SAPT 7.6 6 1.0% vs. PLGM 7.8 6 0.8%, P = 0.35). No change in quality of life measures was reported by participants/parents in either group. There were no PLGM-related serious adverse events. CONCLUSIONS In children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes, PLGM reduced hypoglycemia without deterioration in glycemic control.