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Data Resource Profile: The South Australian Well-being and Engagement Collection (WEC)

Mental health and well-being during childhood and adolescence have been shown to impact on health, educational attainment and employment in adulthood.1–3 Although health and education systems worldwide have long recognized the importance of promoting student well-being,4–6 population-wide monitoring of well-being remains uncommon.

Gregory T, Lewkowicz A, Engelhardt D, Stringer A, Luddy S, Brinkman SA. Data Resource Profile: The South Australian Well-being and Engagement Collection (WEC). Int J Epidemiol. 2021.

Mental health; data collection; childhood and adolescence

Mental health and well-being during childhood and adolescence have been shown to impact on health, educational attainment and employment in adulthood.1–3 Although health and education systems worldwide have long recognized the importance of promoting student well-being,4–6 population-wide monitoring of well-being remains uncommon.