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Australian hospital paediatricians and nurses’ perspectives and practices for influenza vaccine delivery in children with medical comorbidities

Influenza vaccination of children with medical comorbidities is critical due their increased risks for severe influenza disease. In Australia, hospitals are an avenue for influenza vaccine delivery to children with comorbidities but are not always effectively utilised. Qualitative enquiry sought to ascertainment the barriers and enablers for influenza vaccination recommendation, delivery, and recording of these children at Australian hospitals.

Norman DA, Danchin M, Blyth CC, Palasanthiran P, Tran D, Macartney KK, Wadia U, Moore HC, Seale H. Australian hospital paediatricians and nurses’ perspectives and practices for influenza vaccine delivery in children with medical comorbidities. PLoS ONE. 2022;17

Influenza; vaccine; health knowledge; attitudes; epidemiology

Influenza vaccination of children with medical comorbidities is critical due their increased risks for severe influenza disease. In Australia, hospitals are an avenue for influenza vaccine delivery to children with comorbidities but are not always effectively utilised. Qualitative enquiry sought to ascertainment the barriers and enablers for influenza vaccination recommendation, delivery, and recording of these children at Australian hospitals.