Reports and Findings
Awareness and impact of the ‘Bubblewrap’ advertising campaign among Aboriginal smokers in Western AustraliaAntismoking mass media campaigns have been shown to reduce smoking prevalence in the mainstream community.
The importance of environment on respiratory genotype/phenotype relationships in the InuitThis study aimed to investigate the effects of different macro-environments on asthma genotype-phenotype associations in 2 geographically separated populations
Individualised growth curves and size at birthGrowth is the rate of increase in a dimension per unit time. Mass is the dimension traditionally considered for fetal growth because it is the most easily and..
Antecedents of teenage pregnancy from a 14-year follow-up study using data linkageThis study identified possible antecedents of teenage pregnancy using linked data from administrative sources to create a 14-year follow-up from a cross-sect...
Unpacking the complex nature of the autism epidemicThis paper discusses changes in diagnostic criteria, decreasing age at diagnosis, improved case ascertainment, diagnostic substitution, and social influences.
CD8α+ DCs are not the sole subset cross-presenting cell associated tumor antigens from a solid tumorCD8α+ DCs are not the sole subset cross-presenting cell associated tumor antigens from a solid tumor
Increased longevity and the comorbidities associated with intellectual and developmental disabilityThe contributors, all world experts in their fields, also discuss what we can learn from the presence of co-morbidities.
Identification and Isolation of Rodent Respiratory Tract Dendritic CellsThis chapter describes the preparation of respiratory tract tissue from both mice and rats for the isolation of respiratory tract dendritic cells (RTDC).
The transient value of classifying preschool wheeze into episodic viral wheeze and multiple trigger wheezeA recently proposed method for classifying preschool wheeze is to describe it as either episodic (viral) wheeze or multiple trigger wheeze.