Reports and Findings
Toll-like receptor 7 function is reduced in adolescents with asthmaAnti-viral innate immune responses may be impaired in asthma, although the mechanisms are not well understood.
Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with lung functionPulmonary function measures are heritable traits that predict morbidity and mortality and define chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Vector fields of risk: A new approach to the geographical representation of childhood asthmaOne of the major challenges in health studies with a spatial dimension is to produce valid and meaningful geographical representations of risk.
Airway narrowing assessed by anatomical optical coherence tomography in vitro: dynamic airway wall morphology and functionPrevious histological and imaging studies have shown the presence of variability in the degree of bronchoconstriction of airways sampled at different locations.
Distribution of airway narrowing responses across generations and at branching points, assessed in vitro by anatomical optical coherence tomographyPrevious histological and imaging studies have shown the presence of variability in the degree of bronchoconstriction of airways sampled at different locations.
Overview of health issues in school-aged children with Down SyndromeOverview of Health Issues in School-aged Children with Down Syndrome
Response after one dose of monovalent influenza A (H1n1) 2009 vaccine in infants and children - preliminary reportTo assess the immunogenicity and safety of a 2009 influenza A(H1N1) vaccine in children.
The Second Research Report: patterns and trends in mortality of Western Australian infants, children and young people 2004-2005This report was commissioned by the Department for Child Protection as an ongoing initiative to continue the work initiated by researchers at the Telethon Kids
Early immunological influences on asthma development: opportunities for early interventionEarly immunological influences on asthma development: opportunities for early intervention