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Reports and Findings


Changes in dairy food and nutrient intakes in Australian adolescents

Dairy nutrients, such as calcium, are particularly important in adolescence, a critical time for growth and development...


Rheumatic Fever Follow-Up Study (RhFFUS) protocol: A cohort study investigating the significance of minor

In Australia, rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is almost exclusively restricted to Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander people with children being...


Alcohol and pregnancy: Do abstinence policies have unintended consequences?

A recent study found that while few women reported alcohol as the reason for seeking an abortion, in almost all cases where alcohol was the reason, the women...


Neonatal antigen-presenting cells are functionally more quiescent in children born under traditional compared with modern environmental conditions

One explanation for the high burden of allergic and autoimmune diseases in industrialized countries is inappropriate immune development under modern...


Locally derived traffic-related air pollution and fetal growth restriction: a retrospective cohort study

Fetal growth restriction has been inconsistently associated with maternal exposure to elevated levels of traffic-related air pollution.


Maternal Use of Folic Acid and Other Supplements and Risk of Childhood Brain Tumors

Interest in a possible protective effect of maternal vitamin use before or during pregnancy against childhood brain tumors (CBT) and other childhood cancers...


Cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia (1985-2010)

The objective was to examine the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia from 1985-2010.


The use of an automated, portable glucose control system for overnight glucose control in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes

A key milestone in progress towards providing an efficacious and safe closed-loop artificial pancreas system for outpatient use is the development of fully...


Ethnic and gender differences in rates of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Western Australia over a 21 year period

The aim was to evaluate the incidence, sex distribution, ethnicity, age at diagnosis, clinical presentation and morbidity of all childhood-onset congenital...


The effect of a short sprint on postexercise whole-body glucose production and utilization rates in individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus

A sprint as short as 10 sec can increase plasma glucose levels in nondiabetic and T1DM individuals, with this rise resulting from a transient decline in...