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CP Movetime: A wearable sensor and user interface to reduce sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy

CP Movetime aims to establish and test a technology-based application to improve health outcomes by monitoring device measured sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy.

Chief Investigators

Prof Catherine Elliott, Dr Dayna Pool, Prof Stewart Trost  (University of Queensland), Prof Christine Imms (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute), Asst Prof Olaf Verschuren (De Hoogstraat Rehabilitation), Dr Sarah Reedman (University of Queensland), Assoc Prof Ben Jackson, Assoc Prof Amity Campbell (Curtin University), Assoc Prof Mark Petersen (University of Michigan), Dr Ewan Cameron (Curtin University), Prof Rachael Moorin (Curtin University), Dr Siobhan Reid (University of WA), Prof Jane Valentine, Dr Ashleigh Thornton, Prof Leon Staker (Curtin University).

Associate Investigators

A/Prof Christopher Abbiss (Edith Cowan University), Emma Albert (consumer), Dr Katherine Stannage (Perth Children’s Hospital), Dr Tiffany Grisbrook, Bec Nguyen, Dr Caroline Alexander, Danica Hendry (Curtin University). 

The Kids Project team members

Brooke Sanderson, Kirstin Pascoe.

Lead agency

Curtin University


Healthy Strides Foundation, Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Ability First Australia, Curve Tomorrow, Fibion Oy.

Project description

CP Movetime aims to establish and test a technology-based application to improve health outcomes by monitoring device measured sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy (CP). The platform will incorporate our state-of-the-art machine learning activity classification algorithms for sensor-enabled detection of movement and posture in children with severe movement impairments and will: 

(a) provide the tools for children and youth with CP, their parents, carers and support workers to track their movement throughout the day; 

(b) enable the child’s primary care allied health practitioners to have accessible, digital and objective daily real-time movement data for their patients to enable proactive behaviour change for reduction in sedentary behaviours, supported by the development of clinically-led resource tools. 


Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Primary Health Care Research Grant (2021; AP2017297)