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Healthy Pregnancy Weight Explained

Information from the Healthy Pregnancy & Me brochure for health professionals on what the definition of a healthy pregnancy weight is.

What does "Healthy Pregnancy Weight" mean?

The pregnancy weight that results in the best pregnancy and birth outcomes for women and their babies is considered to be "healthy".

Therefore, Healthy Pregnancy Weight is the amount of weight that women can gain to optimise the health outcomes for both themselves and their baby. So, in order to achieve the best possible pregnancy and birth outcomes it is important your patients manage their weight gain in pregnancy.

Why is it important for my patients to achieve a Healthy Pregnancy Weight?

Research tells us that having a healthy pregnancy weight can substantially reduce the health risks for mothers and babies during and after pregnancy. By staying within their optimum weight range during pregnancy patients can improve how their body functions, provide a better environment for their unborn baby and help reduce the potential risks in labour and recovery.

The recommendations also take into account the normal changes that happen to women's bodies to accommodate a baby's growth (e.g., production of amniotic fluid & the placenta).