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Junk-food filled neighbourhoods: Building a local evidence-base for change’. Rapid Obesity Policy Translation Program

Investigators: Gina Trapp, Joelie Mandzufas

External collaborators: Paula Hooper (University of Western Australia), Lukar Thornton (Deakin University)

This research project is a collaboration between the Cancer Council WA and The Kids Research Institute Australia. It aims to build the local evidence base for regulatory interventions addressing fast food outlet density in Perth. It consists of three studies:

Study 1: An investigation of the volume and nature of outdoor food advertising near Perth schools (read a summary of the results here)

Study 2: An investigation of the density of fast food outlets near Perth schools and across metropolitan Perth as a whole

Study 3: An investigation into the impact of junk food advertising and availability on food purchasing behaviour dietary intake, overweight and obesity

We would like to acknowledge the support of Ralf-Dieter Schroers (owner of a small scale business, providing a unique blend of geospatial information management, science and development services), for developing the data collection application for this project.