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Pacific Early Age Readiness and Learning (PEARL) Programme in Tonga

The (PEARL) Programme, implemented by the World Bank, aims to support Pacific Island Countries in building capacity to design, implement, and monitor evidence-based policies and programs for primary schools.


Alanna Sincovich

Project description:

The Pacific Early Age Readiness and Learning (PEARL) Programme, implemented by the World Bank, aims to support Pacific Island Countries in building capacity to design, implement, and monitor evidence-based policies and programs that prepare children and their families for primary school. The measurement of school readiness outcomes and early grade literacy skills as well as the design of interventions to improve these were supported in Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Tuvalu.

In Tonga, the implementation and evaluation of interventions were supported using a rigorous randomised control trial impact evaluation. A nationwide census of child development was conducted in 2013/2014 using the early Human Capability Index (eHCI), providing a snapshot of early health and development outcomes for all 3- to 5-year-olds across Tonga’s 54 inhabited islands. Results were disseminated throughout communities across the country via a series of public meetings, provoking discussions that led to the development of a community-based intervention aimed at encouraging parents and caregivers to play and interact with their children to help promote school readiness. Each year from 2015-2017, almost 2,000 children attended the community-based play activities, or playgroups, in around 40 communities.

Effectiveness of the program was measured with a repeat of the eHCI census in 2017. Findings highlighted a positive, cost-effective impact on children’s school readiness, and represent the first estimates of the impact of playgroup interventions on school outcomes. Since PEARL ended, many playgroups have continued with support from communities recognising the importance of guiding caregivers on engaging in stimulating interactions with their children.

Project output:

Brinkman, S., Sincovich, A., & Vu, B. T. (2019). How are Tongan children developing? Results from the second national census and policy recommendations for better child development in Tonga. Report No: AUS0000648. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.

Vu, B. T., Beemer, S., Brinkman, S., Jarvie, W., Macdonald, K., Machuca-Sierra, M., McDonall, K., & Sincovich, A. (2019). Implementing and Evaluating Interventions to Improve School Readiness and Early Literacy: Experience from the Pacific Early Age Readiness and Learning Program. Report No: AUS0000978. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.

Funders of the project:

Global Partnership for Education

External collaborators:

  • Government of Tonga
  • World Bank