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Pilbara FASD Project

Investigators: David Tucker, Glenn Pearson, Heather D'Antoine, James Fitzpatrick, Martyn Symons, Michelle Gray, Mike Daube, Rhonda Marriott, Roz Walker, Sven Silburn

External collaborators: Gary Kirby (WA Mental Health Commission), Nancy Poole (British Columbia Centre of Excellence in Womens Health), Margaret Abernathy (WA Country Health Service)

Partners: Joan Hicks (Mawarnkarra Health Service Aboriginal Corporation), June Councillor (Wirraka Maya Health Service Aborignal Corporation), Robby Chibawe (Puntukurna Aboriginal Medical Service), WA Country Health Service - Pilbara Region, WA Mental Health Commission

The main goal is to reduce the rate of alcohol use in pregnancy. The secondary outcomes include:

  • Increased community awareness and knowledge about FASD and its impacts.
  • A reduction in community perception that alcohol use during pregnancy is a social norm.
  • Increased community knowledge of the supports available to assist women to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy and their importance.
  • Increased community-led advocacy activities relating to FASD prevention in the Pilbara.

We are working in the following locations:

  • Port and South Hedland, and communities of Yandeyarra and Warralong
  • Roebourne
  • Newman, and communities of Jigalong, Parnngurr, Punmu and Kunawarritji."