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From 2022
  1. Bai, Pulan, et al. Where are preschoolers active in childcare centers? A hot-spot analysis using GIS, GPS and accelerometry dataChildren's Geographies(2022): 1-17.
  2. Nguyen H, Christian H, Le H, Connelly L, Zubrick SR, Mitrou S (2022). Causal impact of physical activity on child health and development, Life Course Centre Working Paper Series, 2021-22. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
  3. Robinson T, Nathan A, Murray K, Christian H (2022). Parents’ perceptions of the neighbourhood built environment are associated with the social and emotional development of young children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  4. Wenden E, Pearce N, George P, Christian H (2022). Educators’ Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity Policy Implementation in the Childcare Setting: Qualitative Findings From the Play Active Project. American Journal of Health Promotion.
  5. Dhamrait G, O’Donnel M, Christian H, Pereira G (2022). Is early childhood development impeded by the birth timing of the younger sibling? PLOS ONE
  6. Ng M, Wenden E, Lester L, Westgarth C, Christian H (2022). A mobile health intervention to encourage physical activity in children: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics.
  7. Collyer, C, Bell, M, Christian, H (2022). Associations between the built environment and emotional, social and physical indicators of early child development across high and low socioeconomic neighbourhoods. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.
  8. Christian H, Murray K, Trost SG, Schipperijn J, Trapp G, Maitland C, Divitini M (2022). Meeting the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years is associated with better social-emotional development in preschool boys. Preventive Medicine Reports.
  9. Christian H, Wenden E, Ng M, Maitland C (2022). Association between preschooler movement behaviours, family dog ownership, dog play and dog walking: Findings from the PLAYCE study. Preventive Medicine Reports.
  10. Fried, L., Dhamrait, G., Villanueva, K., Nathan, A., Beck, B., Boruff, B., Cross, D., Gething, P., Schipperijn, J., Trost, S., Christian, H. (2022). Built Environments and Child Health: A Policy Review. The Kids Research Institute Australia, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
  11. Lum M, Wolfenden L, Jones J, Grady A, Christian H, Reilly K, Yoong SL (2022). Interventions to improve child physical activity in the early childhood education and care setting: an umbrella review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  12. Nathan A, Adams E, Trost SG, Cross D, Schipperijn J, McLaughlin M, Thornton A, Trapp G, Lester L, George P, Wenden E, Christian H (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of the Play Active policy intervention and implementation support in early childhood education and care: a pragmatic cluster randomised trial protocol. BMC Public Health.
  13. Christian, H, Lester, L, Trost SG, Schipperijn, J, Pereira, G, Franklin, P, Wheeler, AJ. 2022. Traffic exposure, air pollution and children's physical activity at early childhood education and care. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 240, 113885.
From 2021
  1. Mygind L, Elsborg P, Schipperijn J, Boruff B, Lum J, Boelling M, Flensborg-Madsen T, Bentsen P, Enticott P, Christian H. (2021). Is vegetation cover in key behaviour settings important for early childhood socioemotional function? A preregistered, cross‐sectional study. Developmental Science.
  2. Beck B, Thorpe A, Timperio A, Giles-Corti B, William C, de Leeuw E, Christian H, Corben K, Stevenson M, Backhouse M, Ivers R, Hayek R, Raven R, Bolton S, Ameratunga S, Shilton T, Zapata-Diomedi B. (2021). Active transport research priorities for Australia. Journal of Transport & Health.
  3. Christian, H., Fried, L., Dhamrait, G., Nathan, A., Beck, B., Boruff, B., Cross, D., Gething, P., Schipperijn, J., Trost, S., & Villanueva, K. (2021). Built Environments and Child Health: A Policy Review, Life Course Centre Working Paper Series, 2021-22. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
  4. Bai, P, Johnson, S, Trost, SG, Lester, L, Nathan, A, Christian, H. (2021) The Relationship between Physical Activity, Self-Regulation and Cognitive School Readiness in Preschool Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, 11797.
  5. Nguyen, H.T., Christian, H., Le, H.T., Connelly, L., Zubrick, S.R., and Mitrou, F. (2021). The Impact of Weather on Time Allocation to Physical Activity and Sleep of Child-Parent Dyads, Life Course Centre Working Paper Series, 2021-11. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland
  6. Dhamrait G, O’Donnell M, Christian H, Pereira G, 2021. Gestational age and child development at school entry. Scientific Reports. 11 14522 (2021).
  7. Trost GT, Byrne R, Williams KE, Johnson BJ, Bird A, Simon K, Chai LK, O.Terranova C, Christian HE, Golley RK (2021) Study protocol for Healthy Conversations @ Playgroup: A multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial of an intervention to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours in young children attending community playgroups. BMC Public Health. 21:1757.
  8. Christian, HE, Lester, L, Al Marzooqi, MK, Trost, SG, Papageorgiou, A, (2021) The association between preschooler physical activity duration and intensity and social emotional development: Findings from the PLAYCE Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Advance online publication.
  9. Coci, M, Saunders, J, Christian, H, 2021. Barriers and motivators for pre‐schoolers playing and walking with their dog: Results from qualitative research. Health Promotion Journal of Australia
  10. Nathan, A, George, P, Ng, M, Wenden, E, Bai, P, Phiri, Z, Christian, H (2021). Impact of covid-19 restrictions on Western Australian children’s physical activity and screen time. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), p.2583.
  11. Gorman S, Larcombe A, Christian H (2021). Exposomes and metabolic health through a physical activity lens: a narrative review. Journal of Endocrinology.
  12. Trapp G, Hurworth M, Christian H, Bromberg M, Howard J, McStay C, Allen K, Cross D, Oddy W, Harray A, Hammond D (2020). Individual, social, and environmental correlates of energy drink use among adolescents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
From 2020
  1. Ng M, Wenden E, Lester L, Westgarth C, Christian H, 2020. A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a dog-facilitated physical activity minimal intervention on young children’s physical activity, health and development: the PLAYCE PAWS trial. BMC Public Health. 21:51.
  2. Christian HE, Cross D, Rosenberg M, Schipperijn J, Shilton T, Trapp G, Trost SG, Nathan A, Maitland C, Thornton A, Wenden EJ, 2020. Development of physical activity policy and implementation strategies for early childhood education and care settings using the Delphi process. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 17(1):1-12.
  3. Kaur S, Christian H, Cooper M.N, Francis J, Allen K and Trapp G, 2020. Consumption of energy drinks is associated with depression, anxiety, and stress in young adult males: Evidence from a longitudinal cohort study. Depression and anxiety.37:1089-1098.
  4. Trapp G, Hurworth M, Jacoby P, Christian H, Ambrosini G, Oddy W, Straker L, Mori T, Beilin L, Allen K, 2020. Energy drink intake and metabolic syndrome: a prospective investigation in young adults. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 30 (20), 1679-1684.
  5. Trapp G, Hurworth M, Christian H, Bromberg M, Howard J, McStay C, Ambrosini G, Martin K, Harray A, Cross D, Oddy W, Hammond D, 2020. Prevalence and pattern of energy drink intake among Australian adolescents. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
  6. Wenden E, Lester L, Zubrick SR, Ng M, Christian H, 2020. The relationship between dog ownership, dog play, family dog walking and preschooler social-emotional development: Findings from the PLAYCE observational study. Pediatric Research.
  7. Trapp GSA, Hurworth M, Jacoby P, Maddison K, Allen K, Martin K, Christian H, Ambrosini GL, Oddy W, Eastwood PR, 2020. Energy drink intake is associated with insomnia and decreased daytime functioning in young adult females. Public Health Nutrition.
  8. Maitland C, Lester L, Trost SG, Rosenberg M, Schipperijn J, Trapp G, Bai P, Christian H, 2020. The influence of the early childhood education and care environment on young children’s physical activity: Development and reliability of the PLAYCE Study environmental audit and educator survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (7).
  9. Christian H, Hodges M, Bai P, 2020. Screen time and children’s health and wellbeing. A review prepared for Nature Play WA and Lotterys West.
  10. Christian H, Francis M, Cunneen R, Zubrisk SR, 2020. Pets are associated with fewer peer problems and emotional symptoms, and better prosocial behavior: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Journal of Pediatrics. 200-206.e2
  11. Bell MF, Beesley B, Boruff B, Trapp G, Turrell G, Zubrick SR, Christian H, 2020. Children’s neighbourhood physical environment and early development: An individual child level linked data study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 74, (4). 321-329.
  12. Hooper P, Foster S, Bull F, Knuiman M, Christian H, Timperio A, Wood L, Trapp G, Boruff B, Francis J, Strange C, Badland H, Gunn L, Falconer R, Learnihan V, McCormack G, Sugiyama T, Giles-Corti B, 2020. Living Livable? RESIDE's evaluation of the "Liveable Neighbourhoods" planning policy on the health supportive behaviors and wellbeing of residents in Perth, Western Australia. Social Science & Medicine – Population Health. 10
  13. Ng M, Rosenberg M, Thornton A, Lester L, Trost SG, Bai P, Christian H, 2020. The effect of upgrades to childcare outdoor spaces on preschoolers’ physical activity: Findings from a natural experiment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue: ‘Interventions to Promote Healthy Movement Behaviors in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings’, 17, 468,
  14. Rhodes RE, Baranova M, Christian H, Westgarth C, 2020. Increasing physical activity – by four legs rather than two: A systematic review of dog facilitated physical activity interventions. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 0:1–7.
  15. Bai P, Thornton A, Lester L, Schipperijn J, Trapp G, Boruff B, Ng M, Wenden E, Christian H, 2020. Nature play and fundamental movement training programs improve childcare educator supportive physical activity behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue: ‘Interventions to Promote Healthy Movement Behaviors in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings’, 17, 223, https://doi:10.3390/ijerph17010223
From 2019
  1. Christian H, Lester L, Trost SG, Trapp G, Schipperijn J, Boruff B, Maitland C, Jeemi Z, Rosenberg M, Barber, P, Eslick, H, 2019. Shade coverage, ultraviolet radiation and children’s physical activity in early childhood education and care. International Journal of Public Health, 64 (9), 1325-1333.
  2. Stanley RM, Jones RA, Swann C, Christian H, Sherring J, Shilton T Okely T, 2019. Exploring stakeholders’ perceptions of the acceptability, usability and dissemination of the Australian 24-hour Movement Guidelines for the early years. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 1, 1-6.
  3. Trapp G, Hurworth M, Christian H. 2019. Australian Research Summary – Physical Environment. Published on Evidence for Learning’s (E4L) website as a companion page of its Early Childhood Education Toolkit (ECE Toolkit). The ECE Toolkit is created by the United Kingdom’s Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
  4. Trapp G, Mandzufas J, Christian H. 2019. Australian Research Summary – Physical Activity Approaches. Published on Evidence for Learning’s (E4L) website as a companion page of its Early Childhood Education Toolkit (ECE Toolkit). The ECE Toolkit is created by the United Kingdom’s Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
  5. Huang, RC, Silva, D, Beilin, L, Neppe, C, Mackie, KE, Roffey, E, D’Vaz, N, Christian, H, Reid, CM, Prescott, S, 2019. Feasibility of conducting an early pregnancy diet and lifestyle E-Health intervention: the PLAN (Pregnancy Lifestyle Activity Nutrition) project. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 1-13.
  6. Armstrong, G, Maitland, C, Lester, L, Trost, S, Trapp, G, Boruff, B, Al Marzooqi, MK, Christian, HE, 2019. Associations between the home yard and preschoolers outdoor play and physical activity. Public Health Research & Practice, 29 (1), e2911907.
  7. Veitch, J, Christian, H, Carver, A, Salmon, J, 2019. Physical activity benefits from taking your dog to the park. Landscape and Urban Planning, 185, 173-179.
From 2018
  1. Christian H, Rosenberg M, Trost S, Schipperijn, J, Maitland, C, Trapp, G, Lester, L, Boruff, B, Thornton, A, Zubrick, S, Powell, J, Wenden, E, 2018. A snapshot of the PLAYCE project: Findings from the Western Australian PLAY Spaces and Environments for Children’s Physical Activity Study. Supportive Childcare Environments for Physical Activity in the Early Years. Perth, Western Australia: The University of Western Australia, School of Population and Global Health.
  2. Nathan A, Boulange C, Davern M, Gunn L, Rozek J, Trapp G, Villanueva K, Christian H, 2018. The role of the built environment on health across the life course: A call for collaborACTION. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32(6), 1460-1468.
  3. Trapp, G, Cross, D, Martin, K, Christian, H, Oddy, W, Howard, J, Bromberg, M, 2018. Call for a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children (<18 years of age) due to the significant negative impact these drinks have on children’s health. Submission to the Select Committee on Personal Choice and Community Safety, WA Parliament.
  4. Ong, R, Howting, D, Rea, A, Christian, H, Charman, P, Molster, C, Ravenscroft, G, Laing, Measuring the impact of genetic knowledge on intentions and attitudes of the community towards expanded preconception carrier screening. Journal of Medical Genetics, 55(11), 744-752.
From 2017
  1. Christian, H, Ball, SJ, Zubrick, SR, Brinkman, S, Turrell, G, Boruff, B, Foster, S, 2017. Relationship between the neighbourhood built environment and early child development. Health & Place, 48, 90-101.
  2. Okely, AD, Ghersi, D, Hesketh, KD, Santos, R, Loughran, SP, Cliff, DP, Shilton, T, Grant, D, Jones, RA, Stanley, RM, Sherring, J, Hinkley, T, Trost, SG, McHugh, C, Eckermann, S, Thorpe, K, Waters, K, Olds, TS, Mackey, T, Livingstone, R, Christian, H, Carr, H, Verrender, A, Pereira, JR, Zhang, Z, Downing, KL, Tremblay, MS, 2017. A collaborative approach to adopting/adapting guidelines. The Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (Birth to 5 years): An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep. BMC Public Health, 17 (5), 869.
  3. Enkel, SL, Attwell, K, Snelling, TL, Christian, HE, 2018. 'Hesitant Compliers': Qualitative analysis of concerned fully-vaccinating parents. 36 (44)
  4. Francis J, Martin K, Costa B, Christian H, Simmi K, Harray A, Barblett A, Oddy W, Ambrosini G, Allen K, Trapp G, 2017. Informing intervention strategies to reduce energy drink consumption in young people: Findings from qualitative researchJournal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49 (9), 724-733.
  5. Christian, H, Zubrick, SR, Knuiman, M, Nathan, A, Foster, S, Villanueva, K, Giles-Corti, B, 2017. Nowhere to go and nothing to do but sit? Youth screen time and the association with access to neighborhood destinations. Environment & Behavior, 49 (1), 84-108.
From 2016
  1. Christian, H, Maitland, C, Enkel, S, Trapp, G, Trost, SG, Schipperijn, J, Boruff, B, Lester, L, Rosenberg, M, Zubrick, SR, 2016. Influence of the day care, home and neighbourhood environment on young children's physical activity and health: Protocol for the PLAYCE observational study. BMJ Open, 6, 014058.