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A sport-based mental health intervention for children at risk of mental illness

We know that sport, when the appropriate environment is provided, can be an enriching experience for children – with many physical and mental health benefits.


Aaron Simpson, A/Prof Ashleigh Lin, Dr Timothy Budden, Dr Bonnie Furzer, Dr Ashleigh Thornton, Prof James Dimmock, A/Prof Ben Jackson

Project description

We know that sport, when the appropriate environment is provided, can be an enriching experience for children – with many physical and mental health benefits. However, children in care often have exposure to unique, difficult experiences that may lead to exclusion from community sport or a lack of participation. Additionally, children in care are significantly more likely to develop a mental illness later in life.

The guiding aim of this research is to co-design (through a six-step process of ongoing stakeholder engagement) a sport-based program or resources to improve constructs aligned with mental health (e.g., subjective well-being, coping efficacy) in children who are living in out-of-home (foster) care.

By using a co-design process, the program will be shaped by the people it directly impacts. This allows the program to be more tailored to the specific needs and experiences of foster carers, and their children in care, which will hopefully lead to a more inclusive program. We will explore foster carers’ experiences, needs, barriers, and desired program characteristics through interviews and surveys. The design of the program will be guided by insights from these surveys and interviews, and community members will be provided with the opportunity to provide ongoing input into the evolving program.