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Effect of sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy and automated insulin suspension vs standard insulin pump therapy on hypoglycemia

Sensor-augmented insulin pump with automated low-glucose insulin suspension has the potential to reduce the incidence of major hypoglycemic events.


Acute hyperglycaemia does not alter nitric oxide-mediated microvascular function in the skin of adolescents with type 1 diabetes

We assessed the impact of an acute bout of hyperglycaemia on nitric oxide (NO)-mediated microvascular function in the skin of adolescents with type 1...


Cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia (1985-2010)

The objective was to examine the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia from 1985-2010.


Do different glucose levels at calibration influence accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring readings in vitro?

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the accuracy of CGMs also improves if multiple calibrations are performed in vitro.


Reducing Rates of Severe Hypoglycemia in a Population-Based Cohort of Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Over the Decade 2000–2009

The objective of this study was to examine rates of severe hypoglycemia (SH) in a large population-based cohort of children with type 1 diabetes and...


Fatness, fitness, and increased cardiovascular risk in young children

To investigate the relationships between cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity among young children, and their influence on a comprehensive cardiovascular ris


Closed Loop Study – Day and Night Feasibility Study

A Closed-Loop System will potentially have a major impact upon acute and chronic complications of diabetes as well as upon their quality of life.



Investigating changes in retinopathy, aortic intima media thickness & heart rate variability, indicators of macrovascular disease & autonomic neuropathy


Epidemiology of hypoglycaemia in childhood-onset diabetes in Western Australia

Investigating the demographic, lifestyle and diabetes management factors associated with the incidence of severe hypoglycemia