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Building a culturally safe mental health system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people

The impact of colonisation, genocide, and continuing discriminatory policies have created a context for ongoing disadvantage, trauma, and high rates of mental health issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.


CASSETTE: Clindamycin Adjunctive therapy for Severe Staphylococcus aurEus Treatment Evaluation, a multi-centre, pilot randomised controlled trial

Asha Tom Bowen Snelling BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Head, Healthy Skin and ARF Prevention Head, Infectious


CFC Report

The Tasmanian Government has made a significant commitment in recent years to ensure children have the best possible start in life.


Children’s regenerative and genetic medicine program

The project aims to build capacity in regenerative medicine for children with respiratory diseases.

Participating Sites and Investigators

The CIRCA DIEM Study is a multicentre study, involving several different hospital sites across Australia. Here, you can find out more about which hospitals recruit babies into the CIRCA DIEM Study.


Coalition to Advance Vaccines Against Group A Streptococcus (CANVAS): A Trans-Tasman Initiative Against Rheumatic Fever

Investigators: Amy Baker, Jeffrey Cannon, Jonathan Carapetis, Katherine Gray, Yue Wu External collaborators: University of Auckland: Nikki Moreland,


Colostrum, the missing link for healthy growth

Valerie Verhasselt MD, PhD Head, Immunology and Breastfeeding 0402997617 Head, Immunology and Breastfeeding @


Community immunity: Developing a sensitive and specific SARS-CoV-2 antibody test

Peter Richmond MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Head, Vaccine Trials Group Head, Vaccine Trials Group Professor Peter Richmond is Head of the Vaccine Trials Group


Compound Repurposing Into Novel Therapeutics In COVID-19 At risk Lungs (CRITICAL Study)

Anthony Christopher David Ingrid Shannon Thomas Kicic Blyth Martino Laing Simpson Iosifidis BSc (Hons) PhD MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD BSc PhD


CP Movetime: A wearable sensor and user interface to reduce sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy

CP Movetime aims to establish and test a technology-based application to improve health outcomes by monitoring device measured sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy.