The public health control of scabies: priorities for research and actionScabies causes considerable morbidity and leads to severe bacterial infection and immune-mediated disease
A Pre-Clinical Assessment of the Pan-ERBB Inhibitor Dacomitinib in Pediatric and Adult Brain TumorsGlioblastoma in adults, and medulloblastoma and pineoblastoma that mainly affect children, are aggressive brain tumors.
Dysbiotic drift and biopsychosocial medicine: how the microbiome links personal, public and planetary healthHere we focus on the rapidly progressing microbiome science as a way to illustrate the pathways by which exposure to biodiversity supports health
What is known about consumer nutrition environments in Australia? A scoping review of the literatureThis study aimed to summarize the attributes that have been examined in existing peer-reviewed studies of Australian consumer nutrition environments
Unexpected Management Behaviors in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Using Sensor-Augmented Pump TherapyConstant exposure to real-time data can lead to unsafe management responses in adolescents with the behavior influenced by trust or mistrust in the system
The Importance of the Hawthorne Effect on Psychological Outcomes Unveiled in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Diabetes TechnologyThe objective of this communication is to highlight the Hawthorne effect on psychobehavioral measures and the importance of a control group in clinical research, particularly for diabetes technologies
Preschool Multiple-Breath Washout Testing. An Official American Thoracic Society Technical StatementConsensus recommendations are outlined to direct preschool device design, test performance, and data analysis for the MBW technique
The Western Environment Reduces Innate Immune Cytokine Production in Chinese ImmigrantsWe recruited age- and sex-matched Chinese immigrants living in Western Australia for less than 6 months (newly arrived, n = 22) or more than 5 years.
Maternal antibiotic exposure during pregnancy and hospitalization with infection in offspring: a population-based cohort studyAntibiotic exposure before or during pregnancy was associated with increased risk of childhood hospitalized infections
Prenatal maternal stress events and phenotypic outcomes in Autism Spectrum DisorderASD, in the context of prenatal maternal stress exposure, may be associated with a more severe phenotype, particularly when there are multiple prenatal exposures