The impact of single gene and chromosomal disorders on hospital admissions of children and adolescents: A population-based studyIt is well recognized that genetic disease makes a significant contribution to childhood illness. Here, we present recent population data describing...
Reproduction in females: the role of the early life environmentThere is now compelling evidence that long-term health and physiological function are modified by events that occur early in life and involve interactions...
Glucose enhancement of human memory:The brain relies upon glucose as its primary fuel. In recent years, a rich literature has developed from both human and animal studies indicating...
Research as intervention: Engaging silenced voicesThe emergence of Indigenous researchers into the public health research sector presents a challenge to what have traditionally been Western-based research...
Innate immunity in human newborn infants: prematurity means more than immaturityNeonates, particularly those born prematurely, are exquisitely vulnerable to life-threatening infections. This increased susceptibility to infection...
The influence of sighing respirations on infant lung function measured using multiple breath washout gas mixing techniquesThere is substantial interest in studying lung function in infants, to better understand the early life origins of chronic lung diseases such as asthma.
The maturation of immune functions in pregnancy and early childhoodThis book chapter explains the maturation of immune functions during pregnancy & in early childhood, and addresses the importance of early environmental...
Measuring Severity of Mental Disorders with the Young Minds Matter: Parent/Carer-Reported Impact ItemsThis document describes the calibration of the parent/carer reported impact items developed for use in the Second Australian Child & Adolescent Survey of...
Dairy product consumption, dietary nutrient and energy density and associations with obesity in Australian adolescentsDairy intake is likely to influence dietary energy density (ED) and nutrient density (ND), which are factors representing aspects of dietary quality.
An evaluation of a data linkage training workshop for research ethics committeesIn Australia research projects proposing the use of linked data require approval by a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).