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An open letter to WA families

My colleagues and I at Perth's The Kids Research Institute Australia study how to make current vaccines work better, reduce common side effects, and develop new vaccines.

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Young Minds Matter overview

Young Minds Matter was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. The survey was conducted at The University of Western Australia...

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Discover Day

Join us this school holidays for a FREE family fun day at The Kids Research Institute Australia in Subiaco and discover how we are making a difference to child health.

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New insights into diabetes in Australian Aboriginal population

The Kids Research Institute Australia have shown that genetic variations that influence BMI and diabetes are similar to those in non-Aboriginal populations.

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A vacation spent researching UV

While many university students spend their summer break enjoying a bit of downtime, Will Kermode spent his in a laboratory.

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Meet our Deputy Director, Professor Graham Hall

Professor Graham Hall says one of the best things about research is seeing his students and colleagues succeed.

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Jennie Blackwell made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Professor Jenny Blackwell has been made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, an honour reserved for the very best scientists in the country.

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A vaccine to protect kids hearts

The Kids Research Institute Australia is spearheading a trans-Tasman effort to develop a vaccine for rheumatic fever.

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Born with cystic fibrosis, now research is her life’s work

When Ingrid Laing was born, the outlook for kids with cystic fibrosis was bleak. Her parents were told she might make it to 20 if she was lucky.

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Video: How to respond if your child is being bullied

In this video, Professor Donna Cross from the Telethon Kids Institute provides some practical advice on how to respond if your child is being bullied.