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Predicting the causative pathogen among children with osteomyelitis using Bayesian networks – improving antibiotic selection in clinical practice

We have demonstrated the potential use of Bayesian Networks in improving antibiotic selection for children with osteomyelitis


Assessing the burden of laboratory-confirmed respiratory syncytial virus infection in a population cohort of Australian children through record linkage

Respiratory syncytial virus is pervasive across multiple severity levels and diagnoses. Vaccines targeting children <3 months must be prioritized


Using record linkage to examine testing patterns for respiratory viruses among children born in Western Australia

Using linked data, we describe changes in respiratory virus testing among children born in Western Australia in 1996-2012


Childhood pneumonia and meningitis in the Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea in the era of conjugate vaccines: study methods and challenges

Recruitment of large numbers of pediatric pneumonia and meningitis cases and community controls in a third-world setting presents unique challenges


Otitis-prone children produce functional antibodies to pneumolysin and pneumococcal polysaccharides

The production of functional antipneumococcal antibodies in otitisprone children demonstrates that they respond to the current pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)and are likely to respond to pneumolysin-based vaccines as effectively as healthy children.


Clinical development strategy for a candidate group A streptococcal vaccine

This review outlines a clinical development strategy detailing the phases of development required for registration of a candidate Group A streptococci vaccin


Vitamin D over the first decade and susceptibility to childhood allergy and asthma

We aimed to research relationships between 25(OH)D levels from birth to 10 y/o and susceptibility to allergic sensitization, respiratory issues and asthma.


Analysis of the human monocyte-derived macrophage transcriptome and response to lipopolysaccharide provides new insights into genetic aetiology of inflammatory bowel disease.

We propose that this system provides a model for the differentiation and adaptation of monocytes entering the intestinal lamina propria.


The role of PKCzeta in cord blood T-cell maturation towards Th1 cytokine profile and its epigenetic regulation by fish oil

Here, we present evidence that there are two major control points to explain the immunodeficiency in CB T-cells, leading to a decreased IFNy synthesis.


Characteristics associated with clinical severity and inflammatory phenotype of naturally occurring virus-induced exacerbations of asthma in adults

Type 2 inflammation is present in patients during virus-induced asthma exacerbations, to the same degree as non-viral exacerbations