Identification and characterization of a dendritic cell precursor in parenchymal lung tissueThis is the first study to describe a pulmonary precursor cell for dendritic cells in lung tissue
Endocrine and metabolic consequences due to restrictive carbohydrate diets in children with type 1 diabetes: An illustrative case seriesWe describe a series of 6 cases where adoption of a low carbohydrate diet in children impacted growth and cardiovascular risk factors with potential long-term sequelae.
Cannabis-induced attenuated psychotic symptoms: implications for prognosis in young people at ultra-high risk for psychosisThis study examined UHR transition risk as a function of cannabis use characteristics which vary largely between people, due to a variety of factors.
Creating community indicators for early childhood development: challenges and innovations from the kids in communities studyThe community (or neighbourhood) is seen as a potential point of intervention for improving early childhood development outcomes through place-based approaches targeting all children. Yet there are insufficient robust data to guide policy and practice. Developing community factors for early childhood development is one way to facilitate more informed, evidence-based community action. This paper discusses the methodological learnings from the Kids in Communities Study, an Australian investigation into community-level factors important for early childhood development, including some of the challenges and innovations associated with the measurement and development of indicators.
Extreme heat threatens the health of AustraliansHeatwaves have serious health impacts and we need a better approach to prevention and management
Psychiatric disorders during early adulthood in those with childhood onset type 1 diabetes: Rates and clinical risk factors from population-based follow-upTo determine the incidence of and risk factors for psychiatric disorders in early adulthood in patients with childhood onset type 1 diabetes (T1D)
Risk of stillbirth, preterm delivery, and fetal growth restriction following exposure in a previous birth: Systematic review and meta-analysisNonrecurrent risk of stillbirth, Preterm birth, and small for gestational age after exposure to one or more of these complications in a previous pregnancy
Each meal matters in the exposome: Biological and community considerations in fast-food-socioeconomic associationsAs we discuss, equal weekly visits to major fast-food outlets by the affluent and deprived do not translate into biological equivalency.
Bugging allergy; role of pre-, pro- and synbiotics in allergy preventionHere, we summarize and discuss findings of randomized clinical trials that have examined the effects of these strategies on short and long-term.
Does the reason matter? How student-reported reasons for school absence contribute to differences in achievement outcomes among 14–15 year oldsWe used data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to examine the reasons for 14-15 year old absences and how they relate to outcomes in year 9.