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The diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Australian children: Current paediatric practice and parent perspectiveAustralian paediatric practice in relation to ADHD assessment is generally consistent with best practice guidelines
Eating disorder symptom trajectories in adolescenceAdolescence is a period of developmental risk for eating disorders and eating disorder symptoms.
Effect of private insurance incentive policy reforms on trends in coronary revascularisation proceduresThere is currently a lack of evidence on the effect of the policy reforms on access to cardiovascular interventions in public and private hospitals in...
News & Events
The Kids Research Institute Australia leads WA arm of Australia’s first needle-free COVID-19 vaccine studyEnrolments for Australia’s first needle-free, gene-based COVID-19 vaccine study – to be led in WA by The Kids Research Institute Australia – are open.
Down syndrome studies; the transition from secondary school to adulthood: Experiences and life outcomes for youth with an intellectual disability and their familiesHelen Jenny Keely Leonard Downs Bebbington MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD MClinPsych/PhD Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development
Priority-setting in youth with chronic conditionsAmy Keely Liz Leanne Bec Finlay-Jones Bebbington Davis Fried Sampson BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (Clin Psych) MClinPsych/PhD
Mind The DistanceYael Penelope Keely Bep Amy Helen Perry Strauss Bebbington Uink Finlay-Jones Milroy BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD BA, MPH, PhD MClinPsych/PhD
International workshop: what is needed to ensure outcome measures for Rett syndrome are fit-for-purpose for clinical trials? June 7, 2023, Nashville, USAThe clinical, research and advocacy communities for Rett syndrome are striving to achieve clinical trial readiness, including having fit-for-purpose clinical outcome assessments. This study aimed to (1) describe psychometric properties of clinical outcome assessment for Rett syndrome and (2) identify what is needed to ensure that fit-for-purpose clinical outcome assessments are available for clinical trials.
Identification and genetic determination of an early life risk disposition for depressive disorder:Progress in psychiatric genetics has been slow despite evidence of high heritability for most mental disorders
Embrace the potential of children with Rett Syndrome by exploring how to plan opportunities for uptime, maximizing their engagement and participation in meaningful activities.