Nutritional Influences on Epigenetic Programming. Asthma, Allergy, and ObesityReliance on increasing use of dietary supplementation and fortification (eg, with folate) to compensate for increased consumption of processed foods is also...
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump Therapy and Automated Insulin Suspension versus Standard Pump TherapyA clinical trial-based economic evaluation was performed in which the net costs and effectiveness of the two treatment modalities were calculated and...
Western Australia unveils advances in linked data delivery systemsThis paper explains advances in extracting linked health data from the WA Data Linkage Branch
Quantitative and qualitative insights into the experiences of children with Rett syndrome and their familiesEarly presentation of Rett syndrome, including regression and challenges for families seeking a diagnosis
It takes a village to raise a child: The influence and impact of playgroups across AustraliaComprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Community Playgroups across Australia
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorderThe new diagnostic category of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) was introduced in DSM-5
Effect of amino acid polymorphisms of house dust mite Der p 2 variants on allergic sensitizationMeasures of allergic sensitization and therapeutic strategies could be optimized with knowledge of Der p 2 variants
Analysis of IgE binding patterns to house dust mite allergens in scabies-endemic communities: insights for both diseasesThis study analysed the IgE binding patterns caused by house dust mite allergens in scabies endemic communities in Australia.
Outcome measures for artificial pancreas clinical trials: A consensus reportResearch on and commercial development of the artificial pancreas (AP) continue to progress rapidly, and the AP promises to become a part of clinical care.
Continuous active surveillance of adverse events following immunisation using SMS technologyAutomated SMS-based reporting can facilitate sustainable, real-time, monitoring of adverse reactions and early identification of potential vaccine safety issues