News & Events
Poor sperm count linked to early developmentMale babies that do not have good fetal growth or are exposed to their mothers' smoking are more likely to have a lower sperm count as adults.
News & Events
Pregnancy, Babies and Children's ExpoCome visit us at the Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expo 9-11 August 2013!
News & Events
Sugary drinks in the spotlightAt The Kids, many of our studies have uncovered significant health risks associated with both high sugar drinks and energy drinks.
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Commitment to Aboriginal Children and Families 2013-2017Earlier this year we launched our Strategic Plan - Working Together 2013-2017. That statement has been developed into the Commitment to Aboriginal Children.
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Social disadvantage the focus for WA child health researchersResearchers from The Kids will play a significant role in investigating - and breaking - the generational cycle of social disadvantage.
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Telethon Institute research provides new insights into the cause of asthma attacksTelethon Institute for Child Health Research scientist Dr Anthony Bosco has been recognised for his cutting edge research investigating asthma attacks
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Scholarships awarded to outstanding child health researchersScholarships awarded to outstanding child health researchers
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New Director's focus on translating research into actionhe new Director of Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research says his focus will be to ensure that high quality research is effectively translated
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Telethon Institute Research Director Elected to International RoleProfessor Moira Clay has taken over the reins of a key international body supporting research administrators and managers across Australia and the Asia Pacific.
News & Events
Study Brings Good News For Assisted PregnanciesResearch by The Kids has shown a significant decline in the risk of birth defects amongst WA children born using Assisted Reproductive Technology.