Addressing challenges in gaining informed consent for a research study investigating falls in people with intellectual disabilityThis study describes how an informed consent process was developed for people with intellectual disability and how it is working in a current study
Dysbiotic drift and biopsychosocial medicine: how the microbiome links personal, public and planetary healthHere we focus on the rapidly progressing microbiome science as a way to illustrate the pathways by which exposure to biodiversity supports health
Hesitant compliers': Qualitative analysis of concerned fully-vaccinating parentsParents interpreted pivotal vaccine-related events in the community as requiring them to take personal responsibility for vaccine decisions
Global supermarkets' corporate social responsibility commitments to public health: A content analysisInvestigate the world's largest and most powerful supermarkets' publically available CSR commitments to determine their potential impact on public health
What is known about consumer nutrition environments in Australia? A scoping review of the literatureThis study aimed to summarize the attributes that have been examined in existing peer-reviewed studies of Australian consumer nutrition environments
Aural toilet (ear cleaning) for chronic suppurative otitis mediaTo assess the effects of aural toilet procedures for people with chronic suppurative otitis media
A Pre-Clinical Assessment of the Pan-ERBB Inhibitor Dacomitinib in Pediatric and Adult Brain TumorsGlioblastoma in adults, and medulloblastoma and pineoblastoma that mainly affect children, are aggressive brain tumors.
Topical versus systemic antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis mediaTo assess the relative effectiveness of topical versus systemic antibiotics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media
Risk of stillbirth, preterm delivery, and fetal growth restriction following exposure in a previous birth: Systematic review and meta-analysisNonrecurrent risk of stillbirth, Preterm birth, and small for gestational age after exposure to one or more of these complications in a previous pregnancy
School-based promotion of mental health and wellbeing to address bullyingThe complexity of an issue such as school bullying and how this is best addressed as part of a systematic whole-school approach