Immunogenicity and Safety of Monovalent Acellular Pertussis Vaccine at Birth: A Randomized Clinical TrialThe monovalent acellular pertussis vaccine is immunogenic and safe in neonates
Does perinatal exposure to exogenous oxytocin influence child behavioural problems and autistic-like behaviours to 20 years of ageThis study is the first to investigate longitudinal mental health outcomes associated with the use of oxytocin-based medications during labour
Delay in commencement of palliative care service episodes provided to Indigenous and non-Indigenous patientsAlthough the timeliness benchmark is being met for Indigenous Australians in palliative care, they may experience delayed initiation of care episodes
A Comparison of the Motor Skills of Young People in a Youth Detention Centre with Diagnosed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Prenatal Alcohol ExposureVisual motor integration and handwriting skills were often impaired in this population of young people in a youth detention centre
Effect of ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on pneumococcal carriage in Fiji: results from four annual cross-sectional carriage surveysDirect and indirect effects on pneumococcal carriage post-PCV10 are likely to result in reductions in pneumococcal disease, including in infants too young to be vaccinated
Vaccine decision-making begins in pregnancy: Correlation between vaccine concerns, intentions and maternal vaccination with subsequent childhood vaccine uptakeNew interventions to improve both education and communication on childhood and maternal vaccines may reduce vaccine hesitancy for all mothers in pregnancy
A realist evaluation of peer mentoring support for university students with autismStandard peer mentoring approaches can be enhanced to meet the needs of students with ASD by including training for mentors on ASD
Developing primary intervention strategies to prevent allergic diseaseAllergic diseases are a major cause of morbidity in the developed world, now affecting up to 40 % of the population with no evidence that this is abating.
Rationale, design and methods for the 22 year follow-up of the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) StudyYoung adulthood is a critical life period for health and health behaviours.
The influence of sighing respirations on infant lung function measured using multiple breath washout gas mixing techniquesThere is substantial interest in studying lung function in infants, to better understand the early life origins of chronic lung diseases such as asthma.