Early life arsenic exposure and acute and long-term responses to influenza A infection in miceExposure to arsenic in early life has been shown to increase the rate of respiratory infections during infancy, reduce childhood lung function, and increase...
Assisted reproductive technology and birth defects: A systematic review and meta-analysisIt has been 10 years since we carried out a systematic search of the literature on birth defect risk in infants born following assisted reproductive...
Blooming Together Program - A comprehensive model of maternity care for obese women to achieve a healthy pregnancy weightThe maternity system is seeing increasing numbers of pregnant women with obesity.
Spective associations between sugar-sweetened beverage intakes and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescentsIncreased SSB intake may be an important predictor of cardiometabolic risk in young people, independent of weight status.
Re-analysis of the association between perinatal androgens and postnatal head circumference growthThis paper is a correction of an earlier report that identified a link between exposure to high levels of testosterone during pregnancy and reduced head...
The evolution of clinical trials for infant acute lymphoblastic leukemiaDespite initial improvements in survival of infants with ALL since establishment of the first pediatric cooperative group ALL trials, the poor outcome has...
Perinatal testosterone exposure and cerebral lateralisation in adult males: Evidence for the callosal hypothesisTwo competing theories address the influence of foetal testosterone on cerebral laterality: one proposing exposure to high foetal testosterone concentrations...
Measurement of androgen and estrogen concentrations in cord blood: Accuracy, biological interpretation, and applications to understanding human behavioral developmentThis review examines the accuracy and biological interpretation of the measurement of androgens and estrogens in cord blood. The use of cord blood hormones...
Comparison of Methods to Account for Relatedness in Genome-Wide Association Studies with Family-Based DataHere we compare the performance of several LMM approaches (and software implementations, including EMMAX, GenABEL, FaST-LMM, Mendel, GEMMA and MMM) via their...
Smoking during pregnancy, vitamin C supplementation, and infant respiratory healthThis article discusses the merits and potential shortcomings of a study reported previously showing that giving Vitamin C to women who smoked during...