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Identification of 15 new psoriasis susceptibility loci highlights the role of innate immunity

To gain further insight into the genetic architecture of psoriasis, we conducted a meta-analysis of 3 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and 2...


Associations between maternal antioxidant intakes in pregnancy and infant allergic outcomes

Antioxidant intakes in pregnancy may influence fetal immune programming and the risk of allergic disease.


The mechanism of deep inspiration-induced bronchoprotection: Evidence from a mouse model

In healthy individuals, deep inspirations (DIs) taken prior to a bronchial challenge reduce the bronchoconstrictor response, which is termed...


Going back to the future with Guthrie-powered epigenome-wide association studies

Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) can be used to investigate links between early life environment, epigenetics and disease...


Does enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders improve quality of life?

Quality of life (QOL) is the degree of enjoyment and satisfaction experienced in life, and embraces emotional well-being, physical health, economic and...


Acute Erythemal Ultraviolet Radiation Causes Systemic Immunosuppression in the Absence

Vitamin D is synthesised by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of skin and is hypothesized to be a direct mediator.


Associations between aggressive behaviour scores and cardiovascular risk factors in childhood

The objective of this study was to examine the influence of aggressive behaviour scores on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors throughout childhood.


Analysis of glucose responses to automated insulin suspension with sensor-augmented pump therapy

The advent of sensor-augmented pump therapy with a low-glucose suspend (LGS) function.


Antibacterial antibody responses associated with the development of asthma in house dust mite-sensitised and non-sensitised children

We aimed to measure the antibody development to 2 bacteria in a birth cohort at high risk of allergic disease, and to assess which responses are asthma-linked.