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“Broken fragments or a breathtaking mosaic”: A mixed methods study of self-reported attributes and aspirations of siblings of individuals with and without neurodevelopmental conditions

Siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) experience distinct challenges and have unique strengths compared to siblings of individuals without NDCs.


Epidemiology and Outcomes of Neonatal Sepsis: Experience from a Tertiary Australian NICU

Neonatal sepsis is associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Low-middle-income countries are disproportionately affected, but late-onset sepsis still occurs in up to 20% of infants <28 weeks in high-income countries. Understanding site-specific data is vital to guide management. 


Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021

Regular, detailed reporting on population health by underlying cause of death is fundamental for public health decision making. Cause-specific estimates of mortality and the subsequent effects on life expectancy worldwide are valuable metrics to gauge progress in reducing mortality rates. These estimates are particularly important following large-scale mortality spikes, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. When systematically analysed, mortality rates and life expectancy allow comparisons of the consequences of causes of death globally and over time, providing a nuanced understanding of the effect of these causes on global populations. 


A model of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoner health and wellbeing in South Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Aboriginal) people are overrepresented in Australian prisons, where they experience complex health needs. A model of care was designed to respond to the broad needs of the Aboriginal prisoner population within the nine adult prisons across South Australia. The purpose of this paper is to describe the methods and findings of the Model of Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Prisoner Health and Wellbeing for South Australia.


Early versus late parenteral nutrition in term and late preterm infants: A randomised controlled trial

There is limited evidence regarding the optimal time to commence parenteral nutrition in term and late preterm infants. 


Antibodies in breast milk: Pro-bodies designed for healthy newborn development

This manuscript sheds light on the impact of maternal breast milk antibodies on infant health. Milk antibodies prepare and protect the newborn against environmental exposure, guide and regulate the offspring's immune system, and promote transgenerational adaptation of the immune system to its environment.


Are C-reactive protein and procalcitonin safe and useful for antimicrobial stewardship purposes in patients with COVID-19 - A scoping review

The primary objectives of this study were to assess the usefulness of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin in the diagnosis of bacterial co-infections in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and if their incorporation in antimicrobial stewardship programs is safe and useful, stratified by severity of disease as level of care, intensive care unit (ICU) or non-ICU.


Substance use among trans and gender diverse young people in Australia: Patterns, correlates and motivations

There is a dire paucity of research into the burden, correlates and motives of substance use among trans young people in Australia.


Contributions of digital technologies for resilience capacity in a type 1 diabetes transition clinic: A qualitative study

A type 1 diabetes (T1D) transition clinic in Sydney, Australia, provides age specific care for young adults (aged 16-25 years) and for adults (aged 21 years and above), and has reported improved clinical outcomes post transition to adult care over a 21-year period. This study investigated the contribution of digital technology to long-term resilient capacity of the clinic.


Lentiviral vector gene therapy and CFTR modulators show comparable effectiveness in cystic fibrosis rat airway models

Mutation-agnostic treatments such as airway gene therapy have the potential to treat any individual with cystic fibrosis (CF), irrespective of their CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene variants. The aim of this study was to employ two CF rat models, Phe508del and CFTR knockout to assess the comparative effectiveness of CFTR modulators and lentiviral vector-mediated gene therapy.