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S. aureus colonization in healthy Australian adults receiving an investigational S. aureus 3-antigen vaccine

Based on descriptive analyses of this small study, S. aureus 3-antigen vaccine vaccination did not impact S. aureus acquisition or carriage


Pleural Plaques and the Risk of Lung Cancer in Asbestos-exposed Subjects

The presence of pleural plaques on radiologic imaging does not confer additional increase in the risk of lung cancer


Modelling the effects of beverage substitution during adolescence on later obesity outcomes in early adulthood: Results from the raine study

Sugar-sweetened beverage intake during adolescence was associated with higher body mass index, waist circumference, and being overweight in early adulthood


A cross-sectional examination of the clinical significance of autistic traits in individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis

Results suggest that autism traits are associated with poorer clinical presentation in first-episode psychosis populations


Skin infections in Australian Aboriginal children: a narrative review

The Australian National Healthy Skin Guideline summarises evidence-based treatment of impetigo, scabies and fungal infections in high burden settings


Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a Pilbara community perspective

The caregivers in this study have gained valuable knowledge and wisdom through caring for a child with FASD


Hospitalisations for maternal assault are associated with increased risk of child protection involvement

Child maltreatment allegation is common in children following a maternal hospitalisation for assault


Soy Biodiesel Exhaust is More Toxic than Mineral Diesel Exhaust in Primary Human Airway Epithelial Cells

Exposure to biodiesel exhaust resulted in significantly greater cell death and a greater release of immune mediators compared to both air controls and ULSD exhaust


Prednisolone Versus Dexamethasone for Croup: a Randomized Controlled Trial

The type of oral steroid seems to have no clinically significant impact on efficacy, both acutely and during the week after treatment