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In utero and postnatal vitamin D exposure and allergy risk

This review article examines the evidence of the impact of in utero and postnatal vitamin D exposure on allergy risk in childhood


Analysis of tandem E-box motifs within human Complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) promoter reveals cell specific roles for RP58...

Complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) plays an important role in the generation of normal B cell immune responses.


Feasibility of parental collected nasal swabs for virus detection in young children with cystic fibrosis

No evidence to demonstrate relationships with symptoms and viruses, prolonged symptoms, prolonged shedding or patterns of virus infections in CF


Adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes following treatment of adolescent and young adult cancer: A population-based cohort study

Female survivors of AYA cancer have moderate excess risks of adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes arising from subsequent pregnancies


'If I Wanted to Have More Opportunities and Go to a Better School, I Just Had to Get Used to It’

The experiences of 32 male Aboriginal students from regional and remote towns and communities while they attended a metropolitan boarding school...


Prenatal factors in cerebral palsy

This article discusses the prenatal factors associated with the development of infants born with cerebral palsy.


Early respiratory infection is associated with reduced spirometry in children with cystic fibrosis

We hypothesized that the presence of these markers of cystic fibrosis lung disease in the first 2 years of life would be associated with reduced lung...


Management of invasive group A streptococcal infections

Invasive group A streptococcal disease in children includes deep soft tissue infection, bacteraemia, bacteraemic pneumonia, meningitis and osteomyelitis


Hospital admissions and gestational age at birth: 18 Years of follow up in Western Australia

This effect of gestational age on rehospitalisation for infants born preterm is highest in the first year post-discharge, but almost disappeared by adolescence