Skin infections in Australian Aboriginal children: a narrative reviewThe Australian National Healthy Skin Guideline summarises evidence-based treatment of impetigo, scabies and fungal infections in high burden settings
Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a Pilbara community perspectiveThe caregivers in this study have gained valuable knowledge and wisdom through caring for a child with FASD
Hospitalisations for maternal assault are associated with increased risk of child protection involvementChild maltreatment allegation is common in children following a maternal hospitalisation for assault
Soy Biodiesel Exhaust is More Toxic than Mineral Diesel Exhaust in Primary Human Airway Epithelial CellsExposure to biodiesel exhaust resulted in significantly greater cell death and a greater release of immune mediators compared to both air controls and ULSD exhaust
Prednisolone Versus Dexamethasone for Croup: a Randomized Controlled TrialThe type of oral steroid seems to have no clinically significant impact on efficacy, both acutely and during the week after treatment
The role and therapeutic implications of T cells in cancer of the lungThis review examines the role of T cells in lung cancer, discussing the direction and clinical significance of current and future immunotherapeutic strategies
Innate immune activation occurs in acute food protein–induced enterocolitis syndrome reactionsFood reactions in food protein–induced enterocolitis syndrome are predominantly underpinned by activation of the innate immune system
Spatial clustering of notified tuberculosis in Ethiopia: A nationwide studySubstantial spatial clustering of notified tuberculosis was detected at region, zone and district level in Ethiopia
Measurement of urinary 1-aminopyrene and 1-hydroxypyrene as biomarkers of exposure to diesel particulate matter in gold minersThe concentrations of 1-AP and 1-OHP increased significantly across a 12-hour mining work shift
Longitudinal Cognitive Performance in Individuals at Ultrahigh Risk for Psychosis: A 10-year Follow-upThe onset of psychosis was not associated with deterioration in cognitive ability