
News & Events
New study shows long term mental health benefits from extended breastfeedingA new study from Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has shown that children who are breastfed for longer than six months have a lower risk
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Perth researchers decipher genetic pattern that predicts leukaemia relapseCancer researchers at Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research have discovered a genetic pattern that predicts the likelihood of relapse
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Birth Rates Rise After Baby Bonus PaymentsFertility rates increased following the introduction of the Federal government's "Baby Bonus" payments.
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Breastfeeding Boosts Brain PowerChildren who are mainly breastfed for the first six months (or longer) score significantly higher academically at 10 years of age, especially boys.
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It’s Time – new video on the Apology to the Stolen GenerationsIt's Time - new video on the Apology to the Stolen Generations
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Perth children needed for Swine Flu vaccine studyPerth researchers are about to begin testing of a new vaccine to protect against swine flu in children.
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Genetic analysis reveals range of Rett syndromeThe first comprehensive analysis of the clinical effects of genetic mutations involved in Rett syndrome
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Healing precedes a positive future for Indigenous AustraliansThe Australian Government should form a National Indigenous Healing Foundation to provide compensation to the stolen generations.
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Study shows dramatic increase in caesarean sectionsA new study has found that the rate of caesarean sections in Western Australia has almost doubled in a 20 year period to 2003.
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New vaccine may provide broader protection against cervical cancerJust under 150 Perth women have contributed to major international research at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research.