Hip displacement and scoliosis in Rett syndrome - screening is requiredThe prevalence of hip displacement and spinal deformity in a clinic population of females with Rett syndrome to define implications for screening and management
Dual control of antitumor CD8 T cells through the programmed death-1/programmed death-ligand 1 pathway and immunosuppressive CD4 T cellsTumors have evolved multiple mechanisms to evade immune destruction. One of these is expression of T cell inhibitory ligands such as programmed death...
Partial epilepsy syndrome in a Gypsy family linked to 5q31.3-q32The restricted genetic diversity and homogeneous molecular basis of Mendelian disorders in isolated founder populations have rarely been explored in epilepsy...
Risk factors for full- and partial-syndrome early adolescent eating disorders: a population-based pregnancy cohort studyTo identify prospective predictors of eating disorders in a population-based sample of 14-year-old boys and girls, using previously collected antenatal...
Residential exposure to traffic emissions and adverse pregnancy outcomesResidential exposure to traffic emissions and adverse pregnancy outcomes
The use of cross-jurisdictional population data to investigate health indicators of child maltreatmentTo investigate the prevalence, trends, and characteristics of maltreatment and assault related hospital admissions and deaths among children
Free testosterone levels in umbilical cord blood predict infant head circumference in girlsFetal androgens influence fetal growth as well as postnatal neurocognitive ability.
The impact of single gene and chromosomal disorders on hospital admissions of children and adolescents: A population-based studyIt is well recognized that genetic disease makes a significant contribution to childhood illness. Here, we present recent population data describing...
Dispensing patterns and pregnancy outcomes for women dispensed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnancyThe purpose of this study was to investigate dispensing patterns and pregnancy outcomes for women dispensed an SSRI in pregnancy.
A comparison of autism prevalence trends in Denmark and Western AustraliaPrevalence statistics for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) vary widely across geographical boundaries. Some variation can be explained by diagnostic methods...